“Seriously?! That’s what I was thinking upon first seeing the gorgeous property… then the pony strolling onto the lawn as if on cue…followed by the chickens, then discovering the fresh milk and homemade granola, the row boat, the garden with carrots we could pull from the ground and heirloom tomatoes fresh off the vine, the twilight hour s’more feast. I swear it felt as if we were on The Truman Show, waiting for the man behind the cameras to reveal himself. A great memory for all.”
T.Y. of Larchmont, NY
“I can’t more enthusiastically recommend a place more than Pebble Cove Farm. The gardens, sloping lawn to the beach, animal companions, expansive deck, tide pool exploring—there isn’t a thing I would change. Everything that is right with a kind, conscientious world and intentional living is happening there!“
D.W. of Wells, ME